When the world seemed against me

I moved through the pain.
When I thought the world
would collapse all about me,
It didn’t.
And all that came of it
Was my experience
And what I chose to feel
And remember.

I kept reminding myself
be present
Forget the past
Ignore an unknown future
This shall pass
This has no control over me

Now something’s happening
subtly and significantly
My reactions are dropping
replaced by understanding
Calmer feelings
Considered responses

The verbal anger
Presents itself to me
as I stand amidst
the buffeting winds of emotion
Swaying but calm inside.
Whispering the storm
Calming and soothing
Steering it to a quiet rest
A change of tone
A smile

How it was

Those Saturday nights where the whole world is up or out doing something and it’s all you can do to not completely lose it, when you’d cry yourself to sleep except that it feels like the tears have also left you alone.

The darkness that threatens to take over, a certain craziness that seems perfectly normal at the time.

Every day you are changing, in such small ways that you won’t notice it now.  But it all adds up over time.  The smallest realisation or thought today, will mean something more to you, one day.

The ups and the downs are all the journey you are on.  Even though you wouldn’t choose this for yourself, you are moving somewhere better, one thought at a time.

My response to the post Textbook Living. by APARKS330

Black & White feeling

This is a response to harping romance by SHAWN L. BIRD

Scared to go back to the keys.
Fearful of my inability to realise my musical dreams.
Yet I will go nowhere
without just sitting down and playing.
Starting with the familiar
Learning something new
Then when the unconscious brain/finger connection takes over
slipping into some improvisation
and losing myself in the music for a time
the joy of creativity.