Who Am I?

…these thoughts progressed from previous post Future Fear.

If my thoughts and feelings don’t define me
Who am I then?

Decades spent living within my head,
To not be caught up in that
To not be entangled by inner monologue
Is as foreign a concept as living on an alien planet
Who am I then?

Perhaps the question is irrelevant
Who will I be then?

Perhaps I will be able to find myself
Able to consider and explore options
Discover parts of myself that were cowering,
Fearful of the snarling future
Who will I be then?

I will be
Who I am now
Deep down inside
All that which makes me
All the humanness will survive
How will I be then?

I will let go of the confusion
And the distracting static
All of the sticky,
Brain path clogging,

I will find myself
In others
In my choices of relationship
In my clear thoughts
In the little decisions I make,
Every moment choosing,
Who I want to be.

[ image from Facebook, original source unknown ]

8 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. I will find myself
    In others
    In my choices of relationship
    In my clear thoughts
    In the little decisions I make,
    Every moment choosing,
    Who I want to be.

    You’re what you do to the universe and what the universe does to you.
    The sum total of your relationships.
    But you wanna know something else?
    The universe is just it’s relationship to you and that’s exactly the same thing.
    The two pieces fit together perfectly.
    So what happens when you put them together?
    You are the universe.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I have pondered the question of “who am I” for decades. The answer that resonated with me was: I am what I like: I am my preferences and beliefs and choices.

    I like your rephrasing: “who will I be”.


  3. Thankyou Himali, glad you take energy from them.
    these words are still very relevant today as the time I wrote them. That is why they are “pinned” to the top of my blog at the moment.


What do you think?